
"Perfect World" (Music &
Lyrics By: Al Lay for Funkipeepz Music © 2002) V1: Thought I knew| Had no clue|
What I meant to you| I let delusions get the best of me| Hung so tight| Thought
you might| Come back to me| Dumb and blind I stumbled all the way| Over and
over| A day then a week gone| Wondering if you'd be mine again| But deep down
inside| I knew it was a lie| And now it's reached the end| CH: It's not a
perfect world| It's not a perfect world| It's so true| I tell myself| When I
think of you| V2: Took my time| Held the line| Never saying| All the things I
wish that I could say| Wish you could| Read my mind| Then run back to me|
Knowing that I felt for you this way| Over and over| A week then a month gone|
Wondering if you'd be mine again| But deep down inside| I knew it was a lie| And
now it's reached the end| CH: (Repeat x 1)| V3: Here I am| Just a man| Wishful
thinking| Knowing that there'll never come the day| Stinging pain| In my brain|
Weight of sorrow| Mistakes I made still haunting me today| Over and over| A
month then a year gone| Wondering if you'd be mine again| But deep down inside|
I knew it was a lie| And now it's reached the end| CH: (Repeat x 2)| When I
think of you| When I think of you| When I think of you| Yeah, when I think of
"Reality (Want
You, Want Me)" (Music & Lyrics By: Al Lay for Funkipeepz Music © 2002)
V1: I heard
a rumor| That I'd rather not believe| What's been an opinion| May turn out to
be| CH: Turn out to be| Turn out to be| Reality| (If you're not doing what
they've said you do, Get up on your feet)| Reality| (Show to the world by your
actions pure)| (Hold your tongue, don't speak)| I wanna want you| Want you| Want
you| But I need you to want me| Want me| Want me| I wanna want you | Want you|
Want you| But I need you to want me| Want me| Want me| V2: There's no room for
speeches| I have listened| Now I see| Hollow words of wisdom| Salting the wounds
that run so deep| Once there was a time I knew you| Took for granted I was free|
But lately, I've been hearing stories| I pray that they don't turn out to be|
CH: (Repeat x 1)|
"Devotion" (Music & Lyrics By: Al Lay for Funkipeepz
Music © 2002)
V1: Spring was just a
day away| To ease my mind I have to say| Thought of you, then felt the pain|
Thought back to that place| I stood my ground and quit the game| Once we saw
life just the same| If things went wrong we'd share the blame| We found
strength| Rose to the call| Honor was the bond that kept us tight| We'd never
fall| CH: You had my devotion| Trapped inside my head| Thoughts of you that
can't be said| Run and hide your emotions| Think back to the time| When I was
yours and you were mine| V2: Trusting you I made the change| My conscience
clear| Each step arranged| Wasn't 'til some time ago| I felt weighted down| Was
this burden all my own?| CH: (Repeat x 1)| V3: Word is bond means something to
me| What goes through your head| I wish I could say (But I don't know)| Only
left with faded memories| A sign of love is all I'd want from you| But I know|
But I know it isn't so| Spring is just a day away| To ease my mind I have to
say, yeah| Hoping if we meet again| I'll see you my friend| Smile at me with no
contempt| CH: (Repeat x 1)| When you were mine…|
"One By One" (Music & Lyrics By: Al
Lay for Funkipeepz Music © 2002) V1: So, you want what you want, that's okay| But, what
you want isn't given away| Did you know?| Did you know there's a price you must
pay?| There's a place out there for you| (You can find)| Yes, show the world
what you can do| I'm telling you| Use your mind, ohh| CH: Day by day| Week by
week| Month by month| Year by year| Rise above each challenge| One by one, ohh|
V2: What you want you can see on display| Say it's yours cause you want it that
way| Though you think that you've done your time| You can't cash out today|
There's a place out there for you| (You can find)| Yes, show the world what you
can do| I'm telling you| Use your mind, ohh| CH: (Repeat x 1)| V3: People hear|
People hear| What they want so I say| In the dark| In the dark| Though there's
light everyday| Walking blind| Walking blind| Don't see the signs to obey| You
will know| If you think about it| You will know| If you think about it| Yes, you
will know| If you think about it| (There's a place out there for you)| I'm
telling you| Make the time, ohh| CH: (Repeat x 1)| One by one| One by one| One
by one|
"The Dream" (Music & Lyrics By: Al
Lay for Funkipeepz Music © 2002) V1: I look up at the sun in the sky| Thinking how far we've come| So
much gained| But so much lost| Makes you wonder what's in store tomorrow for us|
CH: Stand up and be strong| Live to carry on the dream| What are we looking
for?| And what is it we wanna be?| Stand up and be strong| Live to carry on the
dream| What are we looking for?| We wish it all was plain to see| V2: Images of
joy and despair| Progress next, next to pain| On our tv's, in magazines| Numbing
all my senses| Slowly going insane| CH: (Repeat x 1)| V3: Don't let it bring you
down| When you start thinking about| The state of affairs in the world today|
Keep your eye on the prize| Live one day at a time and have faith| You'll make
it through| I look up at the sun in the sky| Thinking how far we've come| So
much gained| But so much lost| Makes you wonder what's in store tomorrow for us|
CH: (Repeat x 1)|
"Someday" (Music & Lyrics By: Al Lay for Funkipeepz Music ©
2002) V1: Breeze coming through my
window| The sun is shining| It's just about noon| I lift my head off my pillow|
I'd say I drank too much too soon| CH: I'm looking for that one young girl| Who
has all| All I need| You say it's too good to be true| Someday you'll see|
Someday you'll see, yeah| V2: I'd like to see my future| I think that knowing
could help me be strong| The touch of someone so fine| Is what I need| She could
do me no wrong| CH: (Repeat x 1)| V3: I dream sometimes and see| The perfect one
for me| And I smile| Then wake to reality| Another night going downtown| My
friends and I roam the bars until 2:00| I tell myself this is it now| It's hard
to stop when you're lost with no clues| CH: (Repeat x 2)| Someday you'll see|
Someday you'll see, yeah| Someday you'll see| Someday you'll see, yeah| Someday
you'll see| Someday you'll see, yeah|
"Walking Blind" (Music & Lyrics By: Al Lay for Funkipeepz Music ©
2002) V1: There you
are| Though we've just met| It feels like I've known you for so long| Shield my
heart| But what seems right tonight| In the morning will be wrong| In my arms|
You would know what I feel for you| In your arms| Yes, I would know that I could
go on forever| CH: Show me the way girl| You hold the key| Give me an answer to
set me free| Please, give me direction| Show me your mind| Show me the way girl|
I'm walking blind| V2: Come to me| Please don't think that I only see beauty as
skin-deep| Can't you see| That I'm not only playing| Try hard to believe me| In
my arms| You would know what I feel for you| In your arms| Yes, I would know
that I could go on forever| CH: (Repeat x 1)| V3: In my arms| You would know
what I feel for you| In your arms| Yes, I would know that I could go on forever
(x 2)| CH: (Repeat x 2)|
"I Wonder…" (Music & Lyrics By: Al Lay for Funkipeepz
Music © 2002) V1:
As we drift towards the edge| I wonder| What will be when the day is done?| Will
we take our lives here for granted?| Or appreciate where we've just come from?|
We all know the struggle's just beginning| We should know there's so much to
lose| The means to the end| The gray between black and white| Yes, driving on
this course is the hardest to do| CH: I wonder (We don't wanna go)| I wonder
(But we have to go)| I wonder (Wanna know)| If the light will shine through| I
can see it coming (I wonder)| Scares me beyond belief (I wonder)| What's to
become of you and me? (I wonder)| There is no denying (I wonder)| Fear is at our
feet (I wonder)| Forcing our world| Down the darkest streets (I wonder)| V2: As
we drift towards the edge| I wonder| Have we done all there is to do?| To ensure
that we hold on to our values| Yes, acting on this wish| It's the path we must
choose| CH: (Repeat x 1)| I wonder (x 4)| I wonder (We don't wanna go)| I wonder
(But we have to go)| I wonder (Wanna know)| If the light will shine through| I
"The Time Has Come" (Music & Lyrics
By: Al Lay for Funkipeepz Music © 2002) CH: The time has come| Your fear has left you hollow|
The mask is gone| No smiling face to borrow| Glaring truth| Will burn your eyes
tomorrow| Feel the pain| For bringing so much sorrow| V1: Thinking that your
actions have no price| Drunk with greed| Your conscience feeds your vice|
Taking, taking, then taking some more| Not noticing someone is keeping the
score| The time has come| Yes, you will see| That payback isn't interest free|
CH: (Repeat x 1)| V2: Serving no one other than yourself| Helping no one if they
have no wealth| Preying on those who could not shield the lies| Spreading
disease with the wink of an eye| The time has come| Yes, you will see| That
payback isn't interest free| Was it that you got smacked down as a child?| Is it
that you seek revenge through your style?| Pity that your confidence has
betrayed you| And now you'll pay the price| CH: (Repeat x 1)| V3: Ratting people
out who call you friend| Breaking bonds of trust for scraps of bread| Satisfying
your shameless needs| While poisoning others with your dirty deeds| The time has
come| Yes, you will see| That payback isn't interest free| The time has come|
The time has come|
"Set On You" (Music & Lyrics By: Al Lay for Funkipeepz Music © 2002)
V1: I'm sitting
here thinking of you| I'm standing up| But then I fall| Thinking about just what
you offer| May not amount to much at all| CH: Yes, I'm thinking about that
evening| When I Realized I might have to go| I set my eyes upon the future| But
my mind's still set on you| V2: I'm looking forward| Never backwards| I've got
the answers in my head| Won't be a problem until I'm reminded| By what I know we
should've had| CH: But, I'm thinking about that evening| When I realized I will
have to go| I set my eyes upon the future| But my mind's still set on you| V3:
I'm sitting here thinking of you| I'm standing up| I will not fall| Knowing now
just what you offer| Doesn't amount to much at all| CH: Yes, I'm thinking about
this evening| Now I've realized it is time to go| I've set my eyes upon the
future| Now my mind's not set on you| Now my mind's not set on you| Now my
mind's not set on you|
"The Tide" (Music & Lyrics By: Al Lay for Funkipeepz Music ©
2002) CH: Goodbye, can't look back now| After all we won't change our minds|
But someday we'll all stop and wonder| Could we all have turned back the tide?|
V1: Take a shot at me| Like us all, I bleed| Make your feelings known| Fruits of
hatred shown| Now you run away| Though it's time to pay| Knock me down| Then
tell me that I'm the one to blame| Yes, we all have our opinions| And we all
have the right to not want to compromise| So, we'll say| CH: (Repeat x 1)| V2:
All across the land| Made to take a stand| What I feared before| Brought to my
front door| Will I sink or swim?| Find the strength within?| All I know is if I
don't try I'll let them win| Yes, we all have our opinions| And we all have the
right to not want to compromise| So, we'll say| CH: (Repeat x 1)| V3: What did
you think I'd do?| Bow my head to you?| Match you pound for pound| To reach the
higher ground| I will now defend to the bitter end| Past the point of no return|
Fate will now step in| We agree we're entitled to our opinions| You are free to
not listen| And let your pride rule your mind| I agree you're entitled to your
opinions| I, too, am free to not listen| Cause you don't believe in compromise|
So, we'll say| CH: (Repeat x 1)|
"I'll Be Alone" (Music & Lyrics By: Al Lay for Funkipeepz Music ©
2002) V1: On my way I go| My destiny
unknown| Seeking answers pure and true| I know what I want| And what I, I don't
have| I know this is what I must do| CH: I will be alone for now| For now, I'll
be alone| V2: The path I've chose is long| My vision now is strong| Patience
keeps my mind in check| Life is shades of gray| Determined day by day| Once you
act| You can't go back| CH: (Repeat x 1)| V3: Walk the fine line| Separating the
sides| See what's really in between all the lies| Now I understand| I have to
start again| Break from those who've left the fight| I will find a way| At what
price?| I can't say| I know this is what I must do| CH: (Repeat x 1)| Ohh… For
now, I'll be alone| Ohh… For now, I'll be alone|